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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bunny Stationery holder

Difficulty: Easy

Age: 4 and above

Do not want your stationery look messy on the table. Let's start build a stationery holder.

What you'll need:
1) Red paper foam
2) green, light green color paper.
3) Scissor
4) White glue
5) Marker pen
6) Goody eye if have

Step 1: Prepare the color paper and color paper foam.

Step 2: Roll the green color hard paper, then cut the bottom part and fold it.

* If you have toilet paper roll, then use the toilet paper roll.

Step 3: Cut another green color paper to become grass decoration. Use pencil to roll the grass.

* You can cut as many as you like.

Step 4: Now, we want to start do the bunny. Cut the paper as shown in the pictures. 

* the size of bunny depends on you. It can be huge or mini bunny.

Step 5: fold around 0.5cm at the end of the paper.

Step 6: Roll the paper to become a bunny head.

Step 7: Glue the bunny ear on the top of head.

Step 8: Glue the grass, rolled paper holder, bunny leg on the red color paper foam. Then glue the bunny head which done in Step 7 on the top of bunny leg.

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