
What's New

Monday, February 28, 2011

Wooden Craft: Wooden pin Butterfly

Difficulty: Easy
Age: 3 and up (with help from adults as necessary)

You and your kid can make this Wooden pin Butterfly that is fun and easy together.
And pin Butterfly around your tree or house?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Recycle Craft: T-shirt Tote

Difficulty: Intermediate
Age: 7 and up (with help from adults as necessary)

Have some old T-shirts that are too wasteful to throw yet too old to wear? How about take some time and turn it into a useful recycle T-shirt Tote?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sewing Fun : Little Girl Easy Carry Bag

Difficulty: HARD
Age: Adults

Sweet bag to for kids to keep their belonging while going to school.

1) sewing machine
2) scissors
3) string
4) needle
5) button
6) measurement tape
7) brush
8) acrylic paint
9) Pattern cloth 120mm x 100mm x 1pcs
10) Pattern cloth 200mm x 150mm x 1 pcs
11) Pattern cloth in triangle 140mm x 100mm x 100mm x 1pcs
12) color cloth 200mm x 150mm x 1pcs
13) color cloth 130mm x 90mm x 1pcs
14) white cloth 120mm x 100mm x 1pcs
15) white cloth 190mm 140mm 1pcs
16) white cloth in triangle 140mm x 100mm x 100mm x 1pcs
17) felt 190mm x 140mm 2 pcs