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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Felt Craft: Easter Bunny Finger Puppet

Difficulty: Intermediate


Easter is just around the corner. How about having some fun with a home-made bunny finger puppet?

What you'll need:

1. Felt (any color you like)
* In this sample, we use orange, yellow, light yellow, beige, brown & red.
2. A pair of goggly eyes
3. A permanent marker pen
4. Glue
5. Needle and threads (optional)
How to make it:
1. Cut the orange felt into 3x3 inch.
2. Cut the light yellow felt into oval shape for the bunny's face.
3. Cut the yellow felt into 2 bunny's ear shape.
4. Cut the beige felt into 2 bunny's ear shape, make it a little smaller than the yellow felt.
5. Cut the brown felt into a small triangle for the bunny's nose.
6. Cut the red felt into the shape of the bunny's mouth. 

7. Fold the 3x3 felt into half, and cut one side of it to be rounded. Join the rounded-opening and the side to become a tube using glue or sew it with needle and thread.
8. Use glue, assemble the googly eyes and all felts that we cut to form the bunny's face.
9. Use marker to draw the bunny's whiskles.

10. Gle the bunny's face to the tube for the finger. The back will look like the photo on the left.

11. Done!! You can now start to play with it.

1. Before assemble the bunny face, try put together all pieces to make sure the parts fit and it has the look and feel that you like before you start to apply glue to stick all of them together.
2. For elder kids, it's recommended to seal the finger tube with needle and threads; but for younger kids, it's easier to just glue the opening.
3. You may replace the marker whiskels with black or brown threads or wools.

Have fun!! You can make a bunch of them in different colors.

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